Happy Monday. I’m so excited….

Hello good people!

I greet you this fine Monday morning bearing some awesome news.

Guess who’s nominated for a Very Inspiring Blogger Award……..yours truly!!


I feel truly blessed to be nominated alongside so many inspiring writers. It is both humbling and gratifying to know that my blog and the things I have to say are pleasurable to many of you. I take this opportunity to personally thank Cameron from http://threadsluxury.com/ for nominating me! It makes me happy to know that you thought highly of my blog to nominate me 🙂
If you haven’t already, make sure to check this uber-cool guy’s blog out for some awesome fashion and style tips.

Thanks again mate!


1. Thank and list the blogger who nominated you.
2. List the rules and display the award.
3. Share seven facts about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.
5. Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you.

7 facts about me:

I hope that this will give many of my current readers (as well as future readers) a chance to get to know me better:
1) Summer is my favorite season of the year.
2) This is because my energy levels and mood depends greatly on the weather.
3) However, Christmas is my favorite holiday, period.
4) I have a passion for all things beautiful (people, places, cars, art, fashion, food)
5) My guilty pleasure is watching FRIENDS.
6) I love watching B&W movies.
7) I reached 5’9 and then I stopped growing.


This was such a difficult task. To pick 15 blogs/bloggers from a vast pool of talent was indeed not an easy thing to do. However, I have deliberated and these are some of my nominations. Good luck everyone 🙂

1) http://thepublicblogger.com/
2) http://celiafitzgerald.com
3) http://chasingmore.wordpress.com/
4) http://eatsleeptelevision.wordpress.com/
5) http://dranthonysblog.wordpress.com
6) http://theeditorsjournal.wordpress.com
7) http://aopinionatedman.com
8) http://somethingsweetforbreakfast.wordpress.com/
9) http://matt.wordpress.com/
10) http://urbanwallart.wordpress.com/
11) http://thedomesticman.com/2014/07/15/hu-tieu-kuy-teav-cambodian-pork-and-seafood-noodle-soup/#more-8247
12) http://simpleprovisions.com.au/
13) http://style-me-manly.com/
14) http://vintage-reflection.com/this-blog/
15) http://www.tulleandtrinkets.com/category/diy/

Thanks again! And good luck to all.
Have a fantastic day everyone!

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